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Divna - "In Search of Divine Light" English Translations

1. Anastaseos Hemera (The day of Resurrection, in Greek)

It is the day of Resurrection, all People, let us be enlightened by it.
The Passover is the Lord's Passover,
Since Christ, our God, has brought from death to life
and from earth to heaven.
Therefore, we sing the hymn of victory.

2. In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep (Plotiju usnuv)
In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep as a mortal man, O King and Lord.
Thou didst rise on the third day, raising Adam from corruption, and destroying death: O Pascha of incorruption, the Salvation of the world!

3. Today Salvation has come to the world! (Dnes spasenije miru bist)
Today Salvation has come to the world!
Let us sing to Him who rose from the dead, the author of our life.
Having destroyed death by death,
He has given us the victory and great mercy.

4. All of who were baptized (Jelici vo Hrista krestistesja)

As many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Alleluia

5. Cherubic hymn (Heruvimska pesma, or Heruvika)
We who mystically represent the Cherubim,
and who sing to the Life-Giving Trinity the Thrice-holy humn,
let us now lay aside all earthly cares
that we may receive the King of all,
escorted invisibly by the angelic orders.

6. Blessed is the man (Blazen muz)
Blessed is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the wicked.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Salvation is of the Lord; and Thy blessing is upon Thy people.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God!

7. To Thee, the victorious leader (Vzbranoj Vojevodje)
To thee, the Champion Leader, we thy servants dedicate a feast of victory and of thanksgiving as ones rescued out of sufferings, O Theotokos: but as thou art one with might which is invincible, from all dangers that can be do thou deliver us, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!

8. Come, let us bless Joseph (Pridite ublazim Josifa)
Come, let us bless Joseph of eternal memory, who came by night to Pilate and begged for the Life of All: "Give me this Stranger, who has no place to lay His head. Give me this Stranger, whom an evil disciple betrayed to death. Give me this Stranger, whom His mother saw hanging upon the cross, and with a mother's sorrow cried weeping: 'Woe is me, O my child, light of my eyes and beloved of my bosom! For what Simeon foretold in the temple now has come to pass: a sword has pierced my heart; but change my grief to gladness by Thy resurrection.'" We worship Thy Passion, O Christ! We worship Thy Passion, O Christ! We worship Thy Passion, O Christ, and Thy holy Resurrection!

9. In the Red Sea (V cermnjem mori)
Once, the image of the Bride who knoweth not wedlock was inscribed in the Red Sea. There Moses was the parter of the waters; and here Gabriel is the minister of a miracle. There Israel traversed the deep dryshod; and now the Virgin giveth birth unto Christ without seed. The sea remained impassable after Israel had crossed; and the immaculate one remaineth incorrupt after the birth of Emmanuel. O God Who hast appeared as a man, Who existest and hast existed from the beginning: Have mercy upon us!

10. Let God arise ("Stihire pashe", or "Da voskresnet Bog")
Verse: Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered!

A sacred Pascha today hath been shown unto us:
a Pascha new and holy,
a Pascha mystical,
a Pascha all venerable,
a Pascha that is Christ the Redeemer;
a Pascha immaculate, a great Pascha;
a Pascha of the faithful;
a Pascha that hath opened the gates of Paradise unto us;
a Pascha that doth sanctify all the faithful.

Verse: As smoke vanisheth so let them vanish!

Come from the vision, O ye women, bearers of good tidings, and say ye unto Sion: receive from us the good tidings of the Resurrection of Christ; adorn thyself, exult, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, for thou hast seen Christ the King come forth from the tomb like a bridegroom in procession.

Verse: So let sinners perish at the presence of God and let the righteous be glad!

The myrrh-bearing women in the deep dawn stood before the tomb of the Giver of life; they found an angel sitting upon the stone, and he, speaking to them, said thus: Why seek ye the living among the dead? Why mourn ye the incorruptible amid corruption? Go, proclaim unto His disciples.

Verse: This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad therein!

Pascha the beautiful, Pascha, the Lord's Pascha, the Pascha all-venerable hath dawned upon us. Pascha, with joy let us embrace one another. O Pascha! Ransom from sorrow, for from the tomb today, as from a bridal chamber hath Christ shone forth, and hath filled the women with joy, saying: proclaim unto the apostles.

11. Your resurection (Voskresenije Tvoje)
Your resurrection, O Christ, our Savior, 
the Angels in heaven praise with hymns; 
make us, on earth, also worthy with a
pure heart, to extol and give glory to You.

12. Have mercy on us, o God (Pomiluj nas Boze)
Have mercy on us, o God, according to Thy great kindness, and, because of the multitude of Thy goodness, cleanse our sins.

Today the grace of God brought us together and, having taken Thy Cross, let us say: Blessed is the One who cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.

13. Cherubic hymn (Heruvimska pesma or Heruvika)
We who mystically represent the Cherubim,
and who sing to the Life-Giving Trinity the Thrice-holy hymn,
let us now lay aside all earthly cares
that we may receive the King of all,
escorted invisibly by the angelic orders.

14. He was to me a Helper and a Protector (Pomoščnik i pokrovitelj)
A Helper and a Protector has become salvation to me. This is my God, I will glorify Him. God of my fathers I will exalt Him for in glory was He glorified. Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

The prophet heard of Your coming, O Lord, and was afraid that You was to be born of a virgin and appear to men, and he said "I have heard the report of You and am afraid"; Glory to Your power, O Lord. Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

My soul, my soul, Arise! Why are you sleeping? The end is drawing near, and you will be confounded, awake then and be watchful that Christ our God may spare you, Who is everywhere, and fills all things.

15. The Lord's prayer (Otce nas)
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.
